eleanor alone


Mending is a philosophy. It is an art form. It is a reflection of values.
Our "stuff" is worth saving. If you have an item of clothing in your closet that isn't worth mending, then why do you have it?
Visible Mending
Invisible Mending

Visible mending

Problem: Tear at left armrest Solution: Reweave and darn over hole

Problem: Tear at left armrest Solution: Reweave and darn over hole

Problem: Moth holes Solution: Visible mending with darning circles This sweater dress was mended by removing and unraveling a pocket. I then used the existing yarns to darn contrast circles over the dress

Problem: Moth holes Solution: Visible mending with darning circles This sweater dress was mended by removing and unraveling a pocket. I then used the existing yarns to darn contrast circles over the dress

Problem: Small hole cut into inner elbow

Solution: Swiss darning with reclaimed Fabscrap yarn

Problem: Burst knee

Solution: Patch the hole with gray plaid fabrics enhanced with decorative stitching. Every color you see is a stitch

Problem: Burst Knee Solution: Patch denim beneath the mend reinforces the worn area with Sashiko stitching and blanket stitching around the break

Problem: Holes at toes Solution: Visible Mending with Fabscrap Yarn and satin stitch

Problem: This skinny sweater was bursting the seam under the armpit Solution: Subtle visible darning with Fabscrap yarn

Problem: This skinny sweater was bursting the seam under the armpit Solution: Subtle visible darning with Fabscrap yarn
stitching Process

knit repair

Problem: Socks were wearing thin in the heels and ball of foot Solution: Original knit is traced with duplicate stitch and reclaimed Fabscrap yarn

Problem: Socks were wearing thin in the heels and ball of foot Solution: Original knit is traced with duplicate stitch and reclaimed Fabscrap yarn

Problem: Small hole in body of sweater

Solution: Recreate one row of knit stitches with duplicate stitch

Problem: Holes were warn away in this vintage Christmas Stocking

Problem: Holes were warn away in this vintage Christmas Stocking

Solution: Holes were mended by recreating the original stitches using the Swiss Darning technique

Solution: Holes were mended by recreating the original stitches using the Swiss Darning technique

Problem: Large previously mended holes in heels and balls of feet

Solution: Damaged areas were reknit back together

When it has a bird on it, you mend it! Problem: Large tear @ back right sleeve

Solution: Line rayon sleeve with cotton voile. Hand stitch hole down to lining patch

Problem: A homemade latch hooked pillow with sentimental value needed a new backing

Problem: A homemade latch hooked pillow with sentimental value needed a new backing

Solution: Reinforce latch hook framework by quilting it down to a piece of muslin. A new velvet backing was created out of a hem length from a previous project

Solution: Reinforce latch hook framework by quilting it down to a piece of muslin. A new velvet backing was created out of a hem length from a previous project

Problem: Huge tear in mesh dress

Solution: Overlap edges of the tear and delicately hand stitch flat

Problem: A client wanted this tear in the knee of her jeans to stop spreading, yet keep the original knee hole

Solution: Patch the back of the tear with heavy Spandex and darn over the top with a combination of machine and hand stitching

Problem: Holes were shredding in this poly silk bathrobe Solution: Hand stitch on a patch -- aligning the pattern of the patch to the garment **There are TWO patches in this pattern. Can you find them?